“Last Moments” Project seeks to provide solace to grieving pet parents

By on January 27, 2019

“Any pet parent,” a recent PEOPLE Magazine story we read says, “who has spent those precious last months, weeks, days and, most of all, hours, with a failing animal knows the anguish involved with the decision to euthanize their baby.”

It’s tough, for sure. It’s often so hard that it deters folks from getting another companion animal. Without fail, however, when adoption happens again it is all joy and love and being happy to feel those things for an animal again.

We do know that readers seek help with the always fraught and stressful end-of-life period. Just last year, readers accessed this post on Pets in Omaha 1,000+ times, looking for (and finding) options. And knowing that, it’s no wonder that a project the aforementioned PEOPLE article tells of is getting so much attention.

“It is in that space of heartbreak and sorrow” (euthanasia) “that Ross Taylor works,” says PEOPLE. “The 47-year-old assistant professor at the University of Colorado Boulder and freelance photojournalist from Denver has recently gained attention for a photo series called ‘Last Moments.’ PEOPLE spoke to Taylor to learn more about this unique project, which he and friend Luke Rafferty plan to turn into a feature-length documentary film.”

Click here to learn more about the Last Moments Project and see some powerful (and maybe therapeutic) images it features.

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