Parker’s final days: a story of community and caring for a dying pup

When a dog is rescued and placed in a loving home, it’s assumed that his days of looking for a forever spot have come to an end. For Parker, however, a bit of back luck has put him in a troubling situation.

Parker came to rescue several years ago. He was placed in a home that, Helping Hand Rescue and Rose Coco thought, would love him until the end. He was loved and cared for but, when he became sick, the care from his adoptive home ended. “His owner abandoned him after his surgery,” Rose says, “and we have not heard or seen him since.”

Parker had a surgical procedure to remove tumors. Upon examining his biopsy and tumors, it was discovered that Parker had malignant cancer.

Surgery, abandonment, cancer. And now, to add insult to injury, his cancer has spread to his lymph nodes. There are only a few precious weeks left for Parker.

That’s the bad news, but there is a silver lining.

Upon sharing his story across its network, Helping Hand has secured a pretty sweet schedule and set up for Parker’s final days. Though he’s without his forever home, S&B Kennel in Glenwood, IA, is hosting Parker until the end, for free. Other local merchants are donating his food, giving him toys, treats, and more.

Petrow’s Family Restaurant, for example, is making him a special, patio dinner of hamburger and ice cream. Pet Supplies Plus is showering him in toys and treats. Clovis and Company has donated his supplements, DogGurt has given him frozen treats, and others stop by the kennel to give him some love. “So many are coming out wanting to visit him and bringing him creature comforts to make him feel that he’s at home,” says Rose.

Helping Hand has created a Facebook event detailing his story and invites others to chip in to his comfortable last days. Find the page here.


Each time we hear a story like this one, we’re reaffirmed in our belief that the pet community is strong, generous, and kind. Help us help Parker’s final days become happy and full of the love he deserves. Visit the Facebook event page linked to above, give your support, and participate in the generosity if you’re able.