How Can I Create A Safe Environment For My Pet At Home?

By on June 13, 2024

Did you recently acquire a new furry friend and want to know how to create a safe home environment for them? Pets are like little kids who need their parents to help them navigate the world. 

Keeping your pet safe starts with pet-proofing the home. Loose strings, buttons, exposed wires, or household plants that may be toxic are all hazards for your dog or cat. Make a pet first aid kit containing items like gauze pads, tweezers, styptic powder, and pet-friendly antibiotic ointment. 

Part of being a pet parent is maintaining their safety and sense of security. In this article, you will learn how to prevent certain dangers in the household and create a safe home environment for your pet. 

How To Make Your Home Safe For Your Pet 

Preserving your dog or cat’s safety is a crucial aspect of pet ownership. Your furry companion should be adequately protected, and the home can have several potential risks that may endanger your pet. You want to contain these risks as much as possible to ensure your pet’s health and well-being. 

Pet-Proof Your Home  

Clean the home and remove any stray items your vacuum may have missed. Loose strings, for example, are irresistible to members of the feline persuasion. Pets sometimes try to chew on dangerous objects, so it is best to keep electrical wires concealed. If you cannot hide them well enough, use plastic tubing designed for this express purpose. There are some other ways to pet-proof the home: 

  • Make sure your curious kitten doesn’t go in the dryer 
  • Keep all human medications tightly closed and on a high shelf (or get a lockbox) 
  • Keep cleaners and chemicals out of reach and use pet-friendly cleaning solutions only
  • Do not have toxic plants like lilies, oleander, sago palm, tulips, and others in the home   

Dogs sometimes try to drink out of the toilet, and puppies are small enough that they could fall in, so keep the toilet lids closed to prevent this occurrence. Any small item that may be a choking hazard, like coins or rings, should be safely put away. Keep doors and windows closed to safeguard against escapes, falls, or injuries. Never allow your cat to roam outdoors. 

Pick Safe Dog And Cat Toys 

Be cautious when choosing dog and cat toys. Your kitten may love the feather at the end of that catnip toy, but it is not safe. Cut the feathers off any cat toy, and the same goes for strings and ribbons that can harm them or cause intestinal blockage if swallowed. 

Chewing is good for dogs because it helps keep their teeth and gums clean and strong. Purchase a high-quality chew toy for your precious pup. To make sure a chew toy is safe, try the “thumbnail test.” According to Preventative, the thumbnail test is “if the toy doesn’t give a little bit when you press it with your thumbnail, then it is too hard for your dog, and they can break their teeth.”

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