Back in November, White Fire Kennels, an Iowa breeding facility, had over 150 dogs and a few cats seized from its awful conditions. Area rescues and shelters welcomed those dogs into their care. Omaha’s Nebraska Humane Society (NHS) received 18 Samoyeds from White Fire, all of whom have been adopted. The NHS received over 300 applications for these dogs. Read more about the roundup that sent the pups to NHS here.
The adoptions from NHS being successful is one bit of good news. Another welcomed news story came out of Iowa yesterday (Jan. 7) and involved the breeder who owned White Fire Kennels.
In this article from, we learned that Barbara J. Kavars, the breeder, “…surrendered legal ownership of all the seized animals except for nine dogs and four cats she said she wanted to keep. The Worth County Attorney’s Office filed a petition to have those 13 declared “threatened animals” and removed from Kavars’ ownership.
A hearing was held in December where Kavars and the County Attorney’s Officer made their arguments to Worth County Magistrate Judge Douglas Krull.

Photos care of NHS
On Monday, Judge Krull ruled the nine dogs and four cats were neglected by Kavars in that she failed to provide adequate food and water, left the animals in ‘horrid, filthy conditions,’ and did not provide adequate shelter or veterinary care. Judge Krull also states he does not find Kavars testimony that she will stop breeding dogs ‘credible’ and that she made statements which clearly indicate her desire to begin breeding animals again.
Judge Krull rules the nine dogs and four cats qualify and “threatened animals” and says the Worth County Sheriff’s Office should appropriately care for them, up to and including delivering them to another owner.
Criminal charges in this case are pending.”
So, Kavars gets to keep exactly zero animals among those present at the November seizure, which is nice news for animals and animal advocates.
And though many commercial breeding facilities still churn out animals sold mostly online and in pet stores, mill fighters won’t have to worry about White Fire at this point.
The NHS said it had “lots of support and love for these little puppy mill rescues,” and added. “Thanks to all of you for your donations, wanting to help give them wonderful new homes and spreading the word.”
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