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Pros And Cons Of Microchipping Your Pets

Have you considered whether your pets should be microchipped and want to know more about it? Microchipping is becoming a very common practice among pet parents who want to ensure their pet’s safety.
If your dog or cat is lost, a microchip offers an increased chance that you will be reunited with your furry friend. A microchip should last the lifetime of your pet as it is designed to store information for twenty-five years. However, the chip does not work like a GPS tracker.
Even if you have your pet microchipped, your animal companion should still wear a collar and ID tag that contains your contact information, which is visible at first glance. In this article, you will uncover the pros and cons of microchipping your pets.
What Is A Microchip?
According to Petful, “A microchip is a small device that is about the size of a grain of rice. Encased in glass, it’s designed to be implanted into your pet’s body and contains a small computer chip.” The information that the microchip contains:
- Medical records
- Dog or cat’s name
- Owner contact information
- Pet’s gender and date of birth
- Unique identification number
- Special number for pet scanning
A microchip does not require batteries and does not need power to work. Your veterinarian can perform the procedure.
Pros Of Microchipping
When it comes to microchipping, the benefits tend to outweigh the risks, as a microchip is like an insurance policy for your furry friend. A microchip provides your pet with unique and reliable identification. Pros of microchipping:
Lifetime Identification
A microchip lasts roughly 25 years. If your pets are well cared for and healthy, dogs can live into their teens, and cats can live into their early 20s if they remain indoors. It is rare for pets to live beyond these ages. This means that the chip is almost guaranteed to last throughout your pet’s lifetime.
Information Cannot Be Lost Or Stolen
The information on the microchip is in no danger of falling off or being stolen, like a collar or ID tag. Evidence that the animal belongs in your care can be tampered with. However, the details retained on the chip database cannot be changed by anyone but the pet parent. A microchip is an essential addition, not a substitution for a collar and ID.
Easy And Painless Procedure
Implanting a microchip is an easy and painless procedure performed by your veterinarian. Anicira.org explains, “The process is very similar to a routine vaccination and is no more traumatic for your pet. The microchip is implanted in the loose skin between your pet’s shoulder blades.”
It can be costly to lose a pet, especially if you offer a reward for their safe return. When considering whether to have your pet microchipped, compare cost vs. longevity:
- One-time payment of $25 to $50
- Microchips typically never need to be replaced
- Updating contact information does not cost anything
Some organizations like shelters or rescue groups sometimes offer free or low-cost microchipping during their special events to pet owners who otherwise cannot afford it.
Improves Odds Of Finding Lost Pet
Lost pets can end up wandering the streets or worse. If your pet ends up in a shelter without relevant contact details or proof of ownership, your dog or cat could be adopted, remain trapped in the shelter, or the unthinkable can occur if they are euthanized.
With the quick scan of a microchip, a pet parent’s worst nightmare ends, and you and your furry friend have a happy ending when you and your pet are safely reunited. Make sure your contact information, like your cell number and address on the chip is up to date.
Cons Of Microchipping
The cons of microchipping are minimal as it provides a more secure form of pet identification compared to a collar and ID. Microchips offer significant advantages. However, they do have some limitations. Cons of microchipping:
The Chip Can Migrate
The chip is implanted in a specific area under the skin. It typically stays in its original spot or somewhere close to it. However, there are instances when a chip can migrate to a different location in the body.
Fortunately, most professionals know they must scan your pet’s entire body if the chip has moved from the implantation site. The best way to avoid this issue is to have your pet’s microchip scanned every time they visit the vet.
The Chip Is Not A GPS Tracker
A GPS tracker can pinpoint your pet’s exact location and allows you to monitor their movements from a smartphone app. It also provides activity and wellness tracking. It
may be worth looking into purchasing a GPS tracker for your dog or cat. However, a downside to a GPS tracker is that it requires batteries to operate.
The pros of microchipping your pet far outweigh the cons. A microchip can mean the difference between having a warm reunion with your dog or cat within a matter of hours or potentially never seeing them again.
Remember to keep the contact information current and update ID tags and collars. Our furry family members give us joy and unconditional love. In return, we must make every effort to protect them from harm.
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