Friday Five: Therapy in a Box

By on December 15, 2017

There’s something out there called “Soul Pancake” and the people there have given many stressed out folks the warm fuzzies with its free therapy campaign.

We’re not sure where this happened, but we wish it would come here! Outside a giant, transparent box was a sign that read, “Free Therapy – Come in and Relax”. People who saw the sign and entered the box had no idea what therapy would be administered, but probably figured a public, visible event like this was probably safe.

Upon settling in the box, those who stepped in were greeted by… a bunch of kittens. Playful, fuzzy, loving kittens. As one can imagine, much cuddling ensued and stress levels surely declined.

Unless you’re allergic or afraid of cats, this therapy would be blissful and foolproof. We’re wondering what would be better therapy that a herd of kittens mewing and nuzzling you to a happier place. This therapy box thing will hopefully catch on and we wish there’d be a box on every street corner. What a wonderful thing.

Read about the therapy and watch some oh-so-cute videos by clicking here.

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