It’s fireworks season. Sorry, animals.

By on June 29, 2020

Fireworks are fun and beautiful and symbolic. That said, they’re not those things for everyone.

If you’ve got a companion animal that doesn’t love the noise that is inevitable this time of year, you likely know how to best deal with it. If not, we’ve got some tips for you.

The list below is a summary we located on Veterinary Practice News- you can see more details here.

  1. Get some exercise -Besides being a healthy thing to do, taking dogs out for play and exercise earlier in the day can help burn off extra energy, which limits their anxiety later and helps them rest more soundly.
  2. Make sure their ID tag is up to date– Be certain your pet has up-to-date identification tags and their microchip has your correct contact information. Stressed pets might look for any opportunity to escape the noise, and having updated identification can ensure they will get home safely if they run away.
  3. Give them a safe space– Keep pets indoors. Cats often feel most secure in a covered spot that is elevated off the ground, like a hut in an indoor cat tree, while dogs might need help finding a place to retreat. Try to find a spot in the quietest, most secure room possible to put your dog’s crate or bed. Keep windows and curtains closed to further muffle sounds.
  4. Dress for success- Some pets seem to feel more secure in snug-fitting shirts designed specifically to comfort them during loud events.
  5. Lead by example– Pets might look to humans to see how we are reacting and, thus, could be influenced by our behavior, so remain calm during fireworks. Try not to react too strongly to your pets’ distress.
  6. Block out scary sounds– White noise, music, or television can be used to provide comfortable, familiar sounds that muffle the frightening, surprising noise of fireworks.
  7. Bring out the toys– Introducing new toys and treats might be all the distraction a pet needs during fireworks. Likewise, food puzzles and long-lasting treats can keep them occupied.
  8. Consult with a veterinarian

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