Remember last week’s felony dog-starving case? It’s happened again.

By on February 7, 2019

Last week, we told you about a felony charge for one Omaha woman who starved her dog to death in her kennel.

After reporting that news, animal lovers reacted positively to the response from the judicial system. Nebraska has felony animal abuse whereas other states don’t- one source of the positive reactions. There’s bad news in a related story we learned of today, however.

Outside his home, where he’d been dumping all kinds of unwanted material, Omaha’s Shane Palmer disposed of dead dogs. Necropsy reports indicate those dogs, like Bella in the story mentioned above, had been starved to death.

WOWT-6 News highlights the circumstances more in this story and includes comments from investigators which are unbelievably sad. Take a look here for more.

The charges here are also felony animal abuse and could carry up to three years in prison for Palmer.

Stay tuned for more news as its reported.

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