It’s severe weather season- Don’t forget your pets!

By on May 6, 2014

We haven’t heard much thunder or seen much lightning as of yet- winter has held on for much too long this year- but it is severe weather season here in the Heartland.

We all (hopefully) have a plan for emergencies that are weather related, but do we all have a battle plan that includes our animals’ well-being during extended periods of time when we could be immobile or without power? We’re here to remind you not to forget about your pets when planning for emergencies- weather-related or otherwise.

We recently found an article announcing that an Illinois news organization will highlight the importance of pet preparedness in severe weather season. The piece includes a quote from an expert that we think you should really take to heart and put into action:

Emergency Management Agency Director Jonathon Monken says “Pet owners should have a three-day supply of food and water, extra supplies of pet medicines, copies of registration and vaccinations, collars, leashes, toys and treats.”

In your emergency kit, you’ve probably got flashlights, radios, batteries, food stuffs, water and more, but do you have the things that are necessary in caring for your pets? We strongly advise you to include these items should the weather play tricks on us.

Study up on your and your family’s plan while you are at it. When severe weather hits, make sure you’ve got a central area in your home where family members can meet. This place should be away from windows and protected by the majority of your home’s structure. Have your kit ready and have a plan to initiate your emergency procedures. Stay safe and don’t forget about your pets!

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