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Explore the Nebraska Humane Society’s Training Programs

We’ve all gone to that one friend’s house and have been greeted by their big, beautiful, majestic, loving, excited dog…..who is barking and jumping…and jumping…and jumping. The beautiful dog that busts your eardrums and knocks you over. It happens all the time. We don’t get mad, it’s just how (untrained) dogs behave.
If you are the owner of that dog, we know you love him/her so very much and we know you’ve tried to calm your rambunctious furry friend down, but it’s hard! We know it’s hard! Training is not easy. Thankfully, there are experts at the Nebraska Humane Society (NHS) to help! And let me tell you, the investment is worth it!
And if you don’t believe me, hear what Candace Jasa has to say. She’s taken many classes at the Humane Society and offers this testimonial:
“The training classes at NHS have been wonderful for our dog, Wendy. She enjoys every minute of class. The trainers have noticed that she is a fast learner and will cater to her agility education. We have taken a wide variety of classes and even repeat ones that our dog enjoys. By far, Wendy’s favorite class is the ‘Tricks’ class in which she learns new tricks each time we take the class. We are very thankful that the Nebraska Humane Society continues to offer training and has fantastic trainers for these classes.”
With that, let’s explore the types of classes available at the Nebraska Humane Society!
Is your dog struggling with the commands “sit,” “stay,” and “down?” Then the Basic Training Classes are for you! You can opt for the Drop-In Training Classes, which are held every Tuesday night from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Each class costs $16.05.
Cathy Guinane, trainer and training class director at the Humane Society, says the Basic Training Classes are for the new-to-training dogs and people. These classes are “open to anyone and will give participants the ground work for training their dog,” she says.
This class is great for the busy bee family! Work, school, soccer practice, cooking, cleaning, we know it’s tough to commit with a schedule like that! This class is perfect for you, come when you can. You and your dog will benefit! This class option is also great for dogs that may just need a tune up!
Adventure Puppy is the foundational class perfect for puppies that are not ready for a regular Puppy Skills class, says NHS. This class is for puppies 12-20 weeks of age. In the four week class, puppies will learn name recognition and basic skills in a safe, socialized atmosphere!
Puppy Skills and Adult skills are the remaining Basic Training Classes that NHS offers. They both run six weeks. Your dog will leave knowing skills such as, name recognition, recalls, sit/down, stay, stand, leave-it, and walking on a loose leash. Puppy Skills is for puppies up to 8 months and Adult Skills is for dogs 8 months or older. To view these classes you can do so here.
Is your companion officially beyond the basic level? Awesome! Here are some (not basic) options for you. Have fun with Fido! All Fun with Fido classes are four weeks long and cost $58.85.” The Fun with Fido classes,” says Guinane, “will take all the basic skills and practice them in new fun ways that making living with your dog more enjoyable.” The classes range from Home Companion: review/strengthen skills; Treibball: for the active herding dog; Backyard Fun: strengthening basic skills through the use of games; Tricks: for the dog eager to show off talent; Snooping Around The House: for the dog with the nose that can find things; and Exercising: for the dog needing to shed a pound. Want to have fun with Fido? Check out the details.
Have a potentially dangerous dog, a growler, nervous Nancy, or just have multiple dogs in your household? Check out these Specialty Dog Training Classes. Also in the Specialty Dog Training section is the Canine Good Citizen/Breed Ambassador 6 week program.
From the NHS site: City ordinance requires Pit Bulls, Cane Corsos, Presa Carnarios, Dogo Argentinas, American Bulldogs, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and predominant mixes of these breeds to be muzzled whenever they are outside and not in a securely fenced yard. However, those dogs who are exceptionally gentle and under the control of their owners can get a muzzle exemption by following certain requirements and passing a Canine Good Citizen Test. This class is free to new adopters of any of the above breeds included in the ordinance.
This class will introduce teams to the 10 components of the CGC evaluation test, and help you prepare for the test. The test is offered monthly at NHS and the fees of this program include the test. To learn more visit NHS’ Specialty Dog Training Classes page.
If you are a recent adopter, the NHS also has training programs just for you! Puppy Skills for Recent Adopters and Adult Skills for Recent Adopters. Dogs that have just been adopted, who appear to never have had a training class before are perfect for these training programs! To learn more click here.
If you don’t see a class that piques your interest or feel you’ll need more specific instruction, Guinane says, “We also offer private training for people who want to work one on one with a trainer and their dog.” For questions about this type of instruction, click here more information.
Maybe your canine friend just needs some play time and socialization! Have you considered taking him/her to a playgroup? Check it out!
Cease the jumping, the barking, the chewing, the pulling, teach your furry friend to greet your human friends enthusiastically, but with manners. It can be done! It’s okay to get a little help, we all need it! To view all the details of these programs and find out how to register, visit the NHS training site.
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