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Pet People: Melissa Fry- KETV Omaha news reporter and anchor

Among the most popular local television news anchors and reporters, Melissa Fry is not only a beloved TV personality; she’s a pet lover and hometown girl. There’s no doubt, if you’ve lived in this area for any amount of time, you have seen her on the news and maybe even around town. She calls KETV NewsWatch 7 in Omaha her home and is very happy to be there- we’re also glad she’s part of Omaha’s pet community.
Born and raised in Omaha, Fry is a Millard South graduate. After college she attended Illinois State University to study and be a member of the swim team, but returned back to Nebraska before graduating. “I became sick with MRSA staph infection in my spine. I had to drop out of school and return to Nebraska. Luckily, I recovered quickly and I enrolled at UNL. I was happy to come back home.”
When asked about her first inkling of her professional life after college, Fry told us, “Looking back, I was always inquisitive. And I absolutely love learning about my community and current events. I started interning at KETV when I was a junior in college. I was determined to work here some day. They finally hired me after I applied seven times. I guess that’s a good number!” We love people who recognize their passion and we’re glad she’s stayed close to home to fulfill it.
Just before graduation at the U of Nebraska, Fry accepted a job at KLKN, an ABC affiliate in Lincoln, where she was a reporter and anchor for two-and-a-half years. Melissa joined KETV NewsWatch 7 in 2008 as a reporter, and she now co-anchors their 5 p.m. newscasts.
As far as her love for pets, Melissa grew up around dogs as a child. Various golden retrievers were her family’s pets. She didn’t stop there, thankfully.
And now as an adult, enter Percy. Percy is a rescued “puggle-” a mix of the pug and beagle breeds. Percy survived the Joplin, Missouri tornado in May of 2011, as he was found stumbling through the rubble in the storm’s aftermath. He ended up at Hearts United for Animals, a rescue group in Auburn, NE. Melissa happened to be looking for a little friend online and came across Percy. Right then and there, Fry realized that Percy needed her and she needed him. It was love at first sight. Percy joined Melissa soon after and two enjoy their lives together tremendously.
In 2012, Melissa enrolled Percy in obedience school. “I don’t think he passed,” she told us. “He doesn’t sit or come to me. He only ‘shakes’ when I have cheese in my hand. I’ve been told Percy is the most spoiled dog anyone has ever met. I tell them, they haven’t seen anything yet.”
Melissa and Percy go for walks frequently, and are fortunate to a have a park nearby their home. Melissa told us that “after a long and hard news day, Percy centers and heals me.” Percy now has a companion-Lucy. She’s a miniature schnauzer. Lucy’s owner and Melissa are dating. “The dogs are inseparable. They have kennels at both houses, so they never have to be alone.”
Whenever Melissa takes Percy out and about, he will often be sporting a rhinestone collar, a leopard harness, and (just in case) an emergency pet diaper. In fact, the rhinestone collar is ALWAYS on Percy!
Melissa also said, “If I’m not out in the field, I am usually hanging out with family and friends. I enjoy working out, shopping and traveling.” She also added she is perfectly content to be at home and relaxing with Percy and his confidant Lucy.
In order to get to know Fry a bit more personally, we asked about her most memorable or rewarding story she’s worked on. She said there have been so many, but the ones that touch her the most are personal stories of people who “against all odds, overcome the obstacles in their lives. Whether it be physical or mental challenges or tragedies, they get through them and come out on the other side.” She loves to meet those people and get to know them. “It is more than just the story- they teach me more about life, and who I want to be,” she says.
Fry is happy that KETV gave her the opportunity to come back home after spending her first few years just down the road in Lincoln. “I’m very passionate about this community and I am honored to deliver the news and share your stories.”
We at Pets in Omaha are glad she’s here and that she shared her and Percy’s story with us! You can follow Melissa on Twitter @MelissaFry7 or through KETV’s Omaha’s Facebook page. Thanks again to Melissa for being a great member of our local media and especially one who loves animals!
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