2018 Pet Licensing Deadline Approaches – How to handle it

By on March 6, 2018

The Nebraska Humane Society says, “Licensing your pet is one of the best ways to ensure that your pet comes home. It is also the law in most metro area communities.”

It’s true. Many pets don’t have microchips, so if they aren’t licensed there’s often a very small chance for shelters to get animals back home when they are lost. Licensing is also the law for these reasons and others, including the fact that no one wants tens of thousands of anonymous animals out and about.

The 2018 deadline for licensing animals is March 15. Fees, penalties, and how to license are important things to know and they can all be found at the Nebraska Humane Society’s Licensing page here.

Licensing fees may be paid a number of ways.

1. Send a check to The City of Omaha, PO BOX 641760, Omaha, NE 641760.

2. Visit www.cityofomaha.org and click the yellow “Pet Licensing Renewal” button on the right side of the screen.

3. Pay in person at the Nebraska Humane Society (89th and Fort) in Omaha. Here are some tips from the NHS. 


Remember, March 15 is the deadline. Between March 16 and 31, city fees are doubled. After that, a $50 per pet late fee is due. Late fees can’t exceed $100/household, but don’t let it get that far.

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