July Wrap Up from Pets in Omaha- read our top stories here!

By on July 27, 2018
July was a great month and included a great many original stories. The annual Pick a Pooch event from Pets in Omaha was a success and we’re hoping animals and people who attended are being united by the day!
Take a look at some July highlights and be sure to check in with us all August long for the latest pet news and information that you’ll want to see!
As we said, the Pick a Pooch event was fun and successful. We’d like to thank everyone who participated and we look forward to continuing to help bring people and animals together in August and beyond.
Not all stories we write are happy success stories about adoption… We recently told you about a fire that impacted many local businesses, including our pet partners at Good Karma Dog Center. Thankfully, first responders extinguished the fire before much more damage was done. And speaking of fire fighters, Omaha’s Fire Department is now greatly-equipped to save your pets and others if they’re ever in an emergent situation.
We hope there’s never an emergency involving your pets (especially not a fire), but it’s always good to be prepared. Another preparedness idea concerns immunizations, especially the rabies shot. It’s important and topical now as we’ve found a dozen animals in Nebraska that were rabid in 2018. Click here to read about them and learn why the shot is so vital today.
August will bring many fun events, include many local fairs like the Sarpy County Fair. Animal advocates are paying close attention to the event this year as they hope to prevent the “Animal Scramble” where people chase furry friends. To some it’s super exciting; to others it’s animal abuse. Read about what the Nebraska Rescue Council and others are doing to stop the Scramble here.
Read any and all of these stories on www.petsinomaha.com and we’ll see you in August for the latest in pet news and information!

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