New Veterinary Blog from Urgent Pet Care

By on May 1, 2015

One of our Pet Partners, Urgent Pet Care, has added a blog as a feature to its website. Licensed Vet Tech Debbie Newhouse, Dr. Doris Starks and the rest of the team will provide tips and advice on animal care and we’re happy to promote some of their content on Pets in Omaha.

The first post to the blog details emergency situations for felines and is seen below. Enjoy! Periodically, we’ll publish their posts here and also bring you news and notes from Urgent Pet Care along the way.


“Feline Emergency Situations: Urinary Conditions” from the Urgent Pet Care blog

When it comes to different feline emergency situations, urinary conditions are especially serious. Unfortunately, many symptoms are hard to see right away, and a urinary health condition may become exacerbated over time. Look for these symptoms to alert you to potential feline emergencies:


Incontinence often results from simply drinking too much water, but it can also stem from a very weak bladder. Placing litter boxes around your cat’s home is a smart solution to incontinence, but visiting a veterinarian is also a worthwhile endeavor.

Inability to Urinate

Urinary stones are commonly the cause of a cat’s inability to urinate. Calcium oxalate stones do not dissolve and typically require care by a veterinarian. Unfortunately, it is common for these stones to recur. A healthy diet often helps, but it is no guarantee that the cat will never have stones again.

Frequent Trips to the Litter Box

During these trips, your cat might be straining to urinate to no avail. One of the most common causes for this is interstitial cystitis, which results in discomfort of the bladder.

Constant Licking of Urethra

Urethral obstruction is dangerous for cats. It may result from stones or crystals that form in the bladder, but it can actually bedeadly. Licking of the urethra is a common way for cats to try to relieve the pain.

Lethargic Mood

Your cat will be tired and unwilling to move while fighting a urinary disease, often because of intense pain. Pay special attention if you notice your cat heading to cool surfaces, like a bathtub.


Contact Urgent Pet Care to learn more about the steps you can take to relieve your furry friend of pain and stress caused by urinary conditions. Most cats are not diagnosed with urinary diseases until they are older than one year, and most cats with these issues are male.

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