Congrats to service and therapy dog graduates from Domesti-PUPS!

By on June 19, 2018

One of the area groups we love, Domesti-PUPS, is proud to announce the upcoming graduation of a handful of pups. The animals that complete training with Domesti-PUPS often end up in very special and specific situations where they help people with needs that require a certain kind of pup with a certain kind of training. Read about the graduation and where the grads are headed below!

Domesti-PUPS has announced a graduation ceremony for three service dog teams, three Edu-PUPS (classroom therapy dogs), and one companion dog. The ceremony will be held on Monday, June 25 at 10:00 am at the Lincoln Correctional Center.

The service dog teams being placed include a wheelchair/mobility support dog, a diabetic alert dog and a seizure response dog. Recipients are from Lincoln, Iowa and Oklahoma. Each dog was trained in the Lincoln Correctional Center by inmates. Each dog was individually trained for its recipient to meet their needs, and help them lead more independent lives.
The Edu-PUPS (classroom therapy dogs) are being placed in schools in Lincoln, York, and Iowa. Classroom dogs are innovative teaching tools as the dogs are non-judgmental and unconditionally loving. They bring a renewed inspiration and excitement to the learning process. They motivate students. They also help develop self-esteem, responsibility, motivation, self-discipline and communication skills.
Companion dogs provide comfort and therapeutic benefits. They are loving, calming and passionate about helping their human companion in their struggles. They can help build confidence and provide that helpful quiet nurturing someone might need. They are calming and can help reduce stressful meltdowns.

For more information on service, therapy or companion dogs, email or visit

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