Walk On!

By on September 29, 2013

Each year, the Nebraska Humane Society hosts their “Walk for the Animals.” Today, this year’s events got underway bright and early.

School buses, packs of dog walkers, vendors, fire engines, and more could be seen on the Humane Society’s campus on 89th and Fort. The Pancake Man was cooking up flapjacks for folks, special t-shirts were given to those who pre-registered for the event, and hundreds upon hundreds of people brought their animals (mostly dogs) to the always-fun and well-attended event. IMG_0192

There were nearly 100 interesting and well-represented rescue and humane groups present, including the Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue group whose mascot appears to the left.

Other groups included local businesses and shelters, but the focus was bringing all of Omaha’s pet community together to celebrate its love for animals.

Among our favorite personalities were Taylor, who looked to be a lab or retriever mix with a busted paw. He was bandaged up, but rolled over for a belly rub and was happy to have his photo taken. Check out his photo in our Gallery.


This little pug mix has only three legs to hop around on, but he was super excited to see all the sights and meet a bunch of new friends.

The festivities started at about 8 a.m., with registration, food being cooked up, and fur flying all over from the fun that all the pups were excited to have. The 1 mile walk was to start at 9 a.m. The admission fee was $10 with all proceeds benefiting the Society. The Pancake man served up unlimited pancakes for $6, and all the vendors had gifts, merchandise for sale, and information to be consumed. The event is a true success given that it happens each year and is so well-attended.

Dogs weren’t the only pets hanging around, although they made up about 99 percent of the pet population. Juan is a large, male brown tabby who comes to the event each year. We have to say that he is a brave soul to be walking around with all of those worked-up pups, but he seemed satisfied- even chatty and ready to explore! IMG_0197

Juan was kind enough to give us a great smile when we asked for his photo!

If you want to read more about the benefit and the happenings today, click here for a previous article we wrote about the event or click here for the Nebraska Humane Society’s page highlighting their 2013 Walk for the Animals.

If you have an event that you’d like to promote, let us know! Also, if you’ve got photos from the event today, upload them to our Pet Gallery or tweet them to @PetsInOmaha.

It was a beautiful morning and such a great sight to see as Omaha’s pet community came together to celebrate their love for animals and the Nebraska Humane Society.

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